Privacy policy regarding the processing of personal data

We, the All-Russian National Front «PEOPLE'S FRONT FOR RUSSIA» (hereinafter also referred to as ONF) highly appreciate your trust in us using the site «Russian language volunteers». The policy regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) defines the position and intentions of the ONF in the field of processing and protection of personal data of users of the site «Russian language volunteers» (hereinafter referred to as users), in order to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of every person and, in particular, rights to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of their honor and good name.
We inform you that ONF is included in the register of operators processing personal data under registration number 77-20-017008.
Please read this Policy carefully before using the Russian language volunteers website.
Using the site «Russian language volunteers» means your unconditional acceptance of this Policy and the terms of processing your personal data specified therein. In case of disagreement with these conditions, we ask users to refrain from using the Russian language volunteers website.

General Provisions
1. Personal data of users, which is received and processed by the ONF when using the site «Russian language volunteers»
1.1. Within the framework of this Policy, «personal user data» means:
1.1.1. Personal data that the user provides about himself independently when registering or in the process of using a mobile application, including personal data of the user, which are mandatory for the acceptance of the message created by him, by which we mean any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (citizen ), such information, in particular, includes: name, year, month, date and place of birth, passport data, address, phone number, e-mail address, information about family, social, property status, information about education, profession, information about the state of health, as well as other information.
1.1.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the site «Russian language volunteers» in the process of using it using the software installed on the user's device, including but not limited to: IP address, information from cookies, information about the user's browser (or another program with which access to the site), access time, address of the requested page.
1.2. Personal data processing means:
any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) with personal data performed using automation tools or without using such tools. Such actions (operations) include: collection, receipt, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, anonymization and pseudonymization, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
1.3. This Policy applies only to the Russian language volunteers website.
The Policy applies to all personal data of users of the site «Russian language volunteers» processed in the ONF with the use of automation tools and without the use of such tools.
Any subject of personal data has access to this Policy.
1.4. The ONF generally does not verify the accuracy of personal data provided by users and does not exercise control over their legal capacity. However, ONF assumes that the user provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the registration form, and keeps this information up to date. The user is responsible for the legality, correctness and truthfulness of the personal information provided in accordance with applicable law.

2. Purposes of collection and processing of personal data of users
2.1. ONF collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for processing messages posted on the website «Russian language volunteers» and solving the problems indicated in them.
2.2. The ONF can use the personal data of a user of the site «Russian language volunteers» for the following purposes:
2.2.1. Consideration and registration of applications on the Russian language volunteers website;
2.2.2. Providing the user with personalized responses to actions taken on the site;
2.2.3. Communication with the user, including sending notifications, requests and information, processing messages from the user;
2.2.4. Conducting statistical and other research.

3. Principles and conditions for the processing of personal data of the user and / or transfer of personal data to third parties.
3.1. Under the security of personal data of users, ONF understands the protection of personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, provision, dissemination of personal data, as well as from other illegal actions in relation to personal data and takes the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal data.
3.2. Processing and ensuring the security of personal data in the ONF is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 152-FL «On Personal Data», bylaws, and other federal laws of the Russian Federation that determine the cases and features of personal data processing, guidelines and methodological documents of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control Russia and the Federal Security Service of Russia.

3.3. When processing personal data of users, ONF adheres to the following principles:
· legality and fair basis;
· restrictions on the processing of personal data to achieve specific, predetermined and legitimate goals;
· preventing the processing of personal data incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data;
· preventing the unification of databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes incompatible with each other;
· processing of personal data that meet the purposes of their processing;
· content matching.
3.4. ONF processes personal data only if at least one of the following conditions is met:
· processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data;
· the processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the goals provided for by law, for the implementation and fulfillment of the functions, powers and duties imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the ONF;
· processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the ONF or third parties or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that this does not violate the rights and freedoms of the subject of personal data;
· processing of personal data is carried out, access to an unlimited number of persons to which is provided by the subject of personal data or at his request;
· processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with federal law.
3.5. The list of actions with personal data in respect of which the user has given consent to the processing of personal data, which is confirmed by the start of using the Russian language volunteers website, includes:
Processing of personal data in a non-automated and automated way;
Processing, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, distribution (including transfer in order to consider and resolve user issues on the merits of the ONF partners: commercial and non-profit organizations, banks, public authorities and administration, institutions and organizations with which ONF cooperates, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data, obtaining personal data from third parties).
3.6. ONF does not pursue the goals of transferring personal data of users to third parties, however, due to the need to achieve the goals of using personal data, such transfer is allowed in cases where:
3.6.1. By using the site, the user hereby expressed his consent to such actions;
3.6.2. The transfer is necessary within the framework of solving problems for which the site «Russian language volunteers» has been created;
3.6.3. The transfer is provided for by Russian or other applicable law within the framework of the procedure established by law.
3.7. ONF also has the right to entrust the processing of personal data of citizens to third parties, on the basis of an agreement concluded with these persons.
Persons who process personal data on behalf of the ONF undertake to comply with the principles and rules for the processing and protection of personal data provided for by Federal Law No. 152-FL «On Personal Data». For each person involved in the processing, a list of actions (operations) with personal data that will be performed by such a person, the purposes of processing, the obligation of such a person to maintain confidentiality and ensure the security of personal data during their processing will be determined, as well as requirements for the protection of processed personal data
3.8. ONF reserves the right to produce, use and disclose summary and / or impersonal information and statistics on the operation of the site «Russian language volunteers» in order to carry out the statutory activities of the ONF and provide such information to third parties. However, users cannot be identified using such information or statistics.
3.9. Personal data of users is stored on the territory of the Russian Federation.
3.10. ONF destroys or depersonalizes personal data upon achievement of the processing goals or in case of loss of the need to achieve the purpose of processing, as well as in the event of a request from the user.

4. Change of personal data by the user
4.1. The user can at any time change (update, supplement) the personal data provided to them or their parts.

5. Rights of the subject of personal data
The user whose personal data is processed by the ONF has the right:
5.1. receive from the ONF:
· confirmation of the fact of processing of personal data by the ONF;
· legal grounds and purposes of personal data processing;
· information about the methods of processing personal data used by the ONF;
· name and location of the ONF;
· information about persons who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of an agreement with the ONF or on the basis of federal law;
· a list of processed personal data related to the user from whom the request was made and the source of their receipt, unless another procedure for providing such data is provided for by federal law;
· information on the timing of personal data processing, including the timing of their storage;
· information on the procedure for exercising by the user the rights provided for by the Federal Law «On Personal Data» No. 152-FL;
· the name and address of the person processing personal data on behalf of the ONF;
· other information provided for by the Federal Law «On Personal Data» No. 152-FL or other federal laws;
5.2 require clarification of your personal data, their blocking or destruction if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing;
5.3. withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data;
5.4. demand the elimination of illegal actions of the ONF in relation to his personal data;
5.5. appeal against the actions or inaction of the ONF to the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) or in court if the citizen believes that the ONF is processing his personal data in violation of the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FL «On Personal Data» or otherwise violates his rights and freedoms;
5.6. to protect their rights and legitimate interests, including compensation for losses and / or compensation for moral damage in court.

6. Measures used to protect personal data of users
6.1. ONF takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it.
Such measures in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FL «On Personal Data» include:
· identification of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems;
· application of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems,
· necessary to fulfill the requirements for the protection of personal data, the fulfillment of which is ensured by the levels of protection of personal data established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
· application of the procedure for assessing the conformity of information protection means that have passed in accordance with the established procedure;
· assessment of the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data prior to the commissioning of the personal data information system;
· detection of facts of unauthorized access to personal data and taking measures;
· recovery of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to them;
· establishment of rules for access to personal data processed in the personal data information system, as well as ensuring registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system;
· control over the measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and the level of security of information systems of personal data;
· access control mechanisms are used, as well as an anti-virus firewall system and an intrusion detection system to prevent unauthorized access to personal data;
· the storage of personal data is carried out in encrypted form;
· The transfer of personal data between the servers of the ONF and the browser on the user's mobile device is carried out in encrypted form;
· monitoring user actions, conducting proceedings on the facts of violation of personal data security requirements
· In order to coordinate actions to ensure the security of personal data, the ONF appointed persons responsible for ensuring the security of personal data.

7. Responsibility
7.1. In case of failure to comply with the provisions of this Policy, ONF is responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.2. You can get clarifications on the processing of your personal data of interest to you by contacting the ONF by mail at the address: 119285, Moscow, st. Mosfilmovskaya, 40.
In the case of sending an official request to the ONF, the text of the request must indicate:
· FULL NAME (surname, name, patronymic);
· number of the main document proving the identity of the subject of personal data or his representative, information on the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;
· information confirming your participation in relations with the ONF or information otherwise confirming the fact of processing personal data of the ONF;
· the signature of the citizen (or his legal representative). If the request is sent electronically, then it must be issued in the form of an electronic document and signed
· electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Applicable law
8.1 The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Policy and the relationship between the user and the ONF arising in connection with the application of the Privacy Policy.

9. Additional terms
ONF has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without the user's consent. The new Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the site.